Dog Sale Biography
We breed out of necessity and to better the breed. We don’t breed for profit or gain. We consider ourselves to be privileged, blessed and very fortunate to have come in contact and to have our paths cross with other breeders that have this philosophy, that were unselfish and willing to be honest. Breeders with principals, integrity, pure motives and having the intentions to better the breed of the hunting beagle, going the extra mile to be fair with others. We learned along time ago through trial and error that the quality in a beagle is not determined by how many names are in red ink in it's pedigree. The quality in a breeder is not how high priced his pups are. HG Wells once said, “Advertisement is legalized lying”. The “you get what you pay for” philosophy does not apply in today’s sport of beagling. Whether you are buying a dog or seeking to render services for your dogs for any reason. There are many great kennels and fair breeders; however, we do feel many have adopted beagling and rendering services to beaglers as a means to capitalize and gain profit {to the extreme}, replacing the pure motive to better the hunting beagle and having the privilege to partake in the great sport of beagling. Though dedication and hard work deserves to be rewarded, bogus priorities and motives do not. We see no reason to ask unreasonable prices for our hounds when we know exactly how much it costs to raise a litter. It costs the same amount to raise a litter of great prospects as it does a litter of mongrels, why not do it right and be fair to our fellow beaglers. Three thoughts; Priorities, Motives and Intentions. Is it to better the breed of the hunting beagle?
Whether you are buying a pup or older dog from Laneline or anybody else, request that you see the dog or the pup’s parents that you are buying in the field to view solo. If in 15 minutes the dog’s tail is not bloody and you do not see a desire to search and find promising cover of a rabbit and eagerness to explore it, regardless of hazards or discomfort. Regardless if it is hot, cold, dry, wet, in thick thorny brush or an open field, a dog must have the desire to adapt and still hunt. If you don’t see this, Walk away! ·
If and when you jump a rabbit, nose & trailing ability is shown by a proficiency for keeping control of the trail while making the most accurate forward progress in the shortest amount of time. Remember this, “a rabbit should be passionately pursued to catch with the intent to destroy, rather than just half heartedly followed with the intent to play with as a toy”. A beagle’s actions should clearly, passionately, outwardly indicate a determined effort to make forward progress to the surest, most sensible and productive manner by adjusting speed to correspond to conditions and circumstances, proving that the dog not only has foot but also a nose and brains/intelligence. Very simple, if the pup's parents cannot circle a rabbit on their own, Walk Away!
If you have a Lineline dog, please sign our guest book and let us know of it's progression. Also, feel free to read our guest book to view what others are saying about our line of dogs.
A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about Nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he Felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the Eyes of a little boy.
Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies."
"Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money."
The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. "I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?"
"Sure," said the farmer.
And with that he let out a whistle,"Here,Dolly!" he called.
Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight.
As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse. Slowly another little ball appeared; this One noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up....
"I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt.
The farmer knelt down at the boy's side and said, "Son, you don't want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would."
With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself To a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said, "You see sir, I don't run too well myself, and he will need Someone who understands."
The world is full of people who need someone who understands.

We breed out of necessity and to better the breed. We don’t breed for profit or gain. We consider ourselves to be privileged, blessed and very fortunate to have come in contact and to have our paths cross with other breeders that have this philosophy, that were unselfish and willing to be honest. Breeders with principals, integrity, pure motives and having the intentions to better the breed of the hunting beagle, going the extra mile to be fair with others. We learned along time ago through trial and error that the quality in a beagle is not determined by how many names are in red ink in it's pedigree. The quality in a breeder is not how high priced his pups are. HG Wells once said, “Advertisement is legalized lying”. The “you get what you pay for” philosophy does not apply in today’s sport of beagling. Whether you are buying a dog or seeking to render services for your dogs for any reason. There are many great kennels and fair breeders; however, we do feel many have adopted beagling and rendering services to beaglers as a means to capitalize and gain profit {to the extreme}, replacing the pure motive to better the hunting beagle and having the privilege to partake in the great sport of beagling. Though dedication and hard work deserves to be rewarded, bogus priorities and motives do not. We see no reason to ask unreasonable prices for our hounds when we know exactly how much it costs to raise a litter. It costs the same amount to raise a litter of great prospects as it does a litter of mongrels, why not do it right and be fair to our fellow beaglers. Three thoughts; Priorities, Motives and Intentions. Is it to better the breed of the hunting beagle?
Whether you are buying a pup or older dog from Laneline or anybody else, request that you see the dog or the pup’s parents that you are buying in the field to view solo. If in 15 minutes the dog’s tail is not bloody and you do not see a desire to search and find promising cover of a rabbit and eagerness to explore it, regardless of hazards or discomfort. Regardless if it is hot, cold, dry, wet, in thick thorny brush or an open field, a dog must have the desire to adapt and still hunt. If you don’t see this, Walk away! ·
If and when you jump a rabbit, nose & trailing ability is shown by a proficiency for keeping control of the trail while making the most accurate forward progress in the shortest amount of time. Remember this, “a rabbit should be passionately pursued to catch with the intent to destroy, rather than just half heartedly followed with the intent to play with as a toy”. A beagle’s actions should clearly, passionately, outwardly indicate a determined effort to make forward progress to the surest, most sensible and productive manner by adjusting speed to correspond to conditions and circumstances, proving that the dog not only has foot but also a nose and brains/intelligence. Very simple, if the pup's parents cannot circle a rabbit on their own, Walk Away!
If you have a Lineline dog, please sign our guest book and let us know of it's progression. Also, feel free to read our guest book to view what others are saying about our line of dogs.
A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about Nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he Felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the Eyes of a little boy.
Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies."
"Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money."
The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. "I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?"
"Sure," said the farmer.
And with that he let out a whistle,"Here,Dolly!" he called.
Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight.
As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse. Slowly another little ball appeared; this One noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up....
"I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt.
The farmer knelt down at the boy's side and said, "Son, you don't want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would."
With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself To a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said, "You see sir, I don't run too well myself, and he will need Someone who understands."
The world is full of people who need someone who understands.
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